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Quenelle-Topper Tuille Mold


  • Weltweiter Versand
  • Vertraut und verwendet von mehr als 5000 Köchen
  • 2 Jahre Garantie
  • Hergestellt in den Niederlanden, für die beste Qualität
  • Lassen Sie sich von unseren Rezepten inspirieren
2D Molds

Beschreibung des Produkts

A high-quality silicone mold for a tuille that fits perfectly on a (hand-scooped) quenelle. The mold features 6 shapes and is made from 100% food-grade silicone.

This mold can withstand temperatures ranging from -40°C to +200°C, making it suitable for use in both (shock) freezers and ovens.

Quenelle-Topper Tuille Mold

Artikel Nummer:  M01-166136    Preise ohne MwSt.

Quenelle Perfection Unlocked!

This tuille mold is designed to take your quenelle to a higher level, both literally and figuratively! It fits perfectly on our Dimple Quenelle Mold or on your trusted handscooped version. It also pairs nicely with our Quenelle Mold. Adding this tuille gives your quenelle extra flair and depth. In fact, you can even place dots of gel and little flowers on the tuille. Get creative and make your quenelle shine even brighter!

Quenelle-Topper Tuille Mold
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