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Triple-Beignet Stamp


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  • Weltweiter Versand
  • Vertraut und verwendet von mehr als 5000 Köchen
  • 2 Jahre Garantie
  • Hergestellt in den Niederlanden, für die beste Qualität
  • Lassen Sie sich von unseren Rezepten inspirieren
Buñuelos / Tortenstück

Beschreibung des Produkts

A high-quality stainless steel stamp for making three beignets at once! This metal pie tee stamp, made in The Netherlands, is perfect for both hot and cold preparations. This stamp can be used to make crispy batter beignets that can be filled before and finished afterward.

Triple-Beignet Stamp

Artikel Nummer:  M14-167700    Preise ohne MwSt.

Fry to perfection!

Beignets are the famous little balls that frequently appear in top culinary establishments. Typically made one at a time using a spoon, the downside is that you can only do one at a time. We now have the solution! Make three beignets in no time at all. Fill them, fry them to perfection, and voila, three beignets at once! *Limited quantity available.

Triple-Beignet Stamp
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